
El Fiscal General le dio la razón a la familia Migone

Escrito por ambru el 14:56 4 comentarios
Categoria: Noticias
La familia de Daniel Migone, torturado y asesinado en la Comisaría Novena; la AMB y el CIAJ lograron apartar definitivamente a la fiscal Sonia Leila Aguilar de la investigación.

A mediados de febrero la familia Migone, asesinado en la Comisaría 9 de la Plata en noviembre de 2005, junto a las entidades que los patrocinan, la Asociación Miguel Bru (AMB) y el Colectivo de Investigación y Acción Jurídica (CIAJ), solicitaron al Fiscal General Dr. Héctor Vogliolo que aparte a la Fiscal Aguilar de la investigación. Este pedido fue el último de una larga serie de pedidos por las demoras en la investigación, que la fiscal supo desoír. En esa oportunidad el Dr. Vogliolo no se hizo eco de la solicitud de la familia.
Durante el trámite de la causa, y a solicitud de la AMB y el CIAJ, el Fiscal General llamó la atención de la fiscal en tres oportunidades, por las dilaciones y falta de curso a la prueba ofrecida por la familia de Migone. Posteriormente, en marzo pasado, la familia de Daniel junto a sus patrocinantes se vieron en la necesidad de recusar a la Dra. Aguilar, no solo ya por la falta de trámite en la investigación, la cual se hallaba inactiva desde noviembre de 2007, sino fundamentalmente porque, aún con las pruebas ofrecidas a las que no había dado lugar, tuvo la imprudencia de adelantar cual sería el resultado de la investigación que dirigía. “Nunca voy a llegar a los autores materiales”, habría manifestado Aguilar a la madre de Migone.

Ante el pedido de recusación, Aguilar pidió la detención de al menos cuatro de los policías implicados en las torturas que llevaron a la muerte a Daniel. Sin embargo, tanto sus familiares como la AMB y el CIAJ mantuvieron la recusación presentada ante el Juez de Garantías interviniente, para que Aguilar sea definitivamente apartada de la investigación

El juez Néstor de Aspro, el 14 de marzo pasado, le dio la razón a la familia Migonel. Entonces Aguilar recurrió la decisión ante la Cámara de Apelación y Garantías en lo Penal Departamental, aunque carecía de fundamentos jurídicos que avalen tal postura.

En la víspera, altas fuentes judiciales adelantaron a los patrocinantes de la familia Migone que Vogliolo desistió del recurso presentado por Aguilar, al entender que la resolución no solo no era impugnable, sino que no causaba agravio ni perjuicio al Ministerio Público Fiscal. Ahora la investigación recaerá bajo la dirección del fiscal a cargo de la UFI Nro. 6, Dr. Marcelo Romero.

Oscar Daniel Migone fue detenido el 9 de noviembre de 2005 por el servicio de calle de la comisaría 9ª de La Plata. La versión policía sostuvo que se suicidó ahorcándose con su campera de jean dentro del calabozo donde había sido alojado, pero la autopsia reveló que había sido torturado, y su muerte fue producto de una asfixia por la intervención de terceras personas.

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Commenti per "El Fiscal General le dio la razón a la familia Migone"

  • 25
    Avatar evden eve nakliyat

    Se trata del pedido realizado en febrero último por los familiares de Maximilano Diaz Subils policiales donde ambos fueron asesinados.

  • 4
    Avatar Boog

    That’s really tkihning out of the box. Thanks!

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    Avatar web tasarım

    Even after this mod, it does not produce a result that is comparable with Adobe, with is what I’m trying to get our project managers to change from.DR takes at least 3 times longer (than Adobe)to complete an initial startup (app’ only no files)not only that, but when you open files each one opens a new instance of DR.Its no good me bleating on about the quality, when they can’t be bothered to wait for it to open.Also not many project engineers have CAD spec’ed machines so the delay they experience is even more dismal.Even after this mod, it does not produce a result that is comparable with Adobe, with is what I’m trying to get our project managers to change from.DR takes at least 3 times longer (than Adobe)to complete an initial startup (app’ only no files)not only that, but when you open files each one opens a new instance of DR.Its no good me bleating on about the quality, when they can’t be bothered to wait for it to open.Also not many project engineers have CAD spec’ed machines so the delay they experience is even more dismal.Even after this mod, it does not produce a result that is comparable with Adobe, with is what I’m trying to get our project managers to change from.DR takes at least 3 times longer (than Adobe)to complete an initial startup (app’ only no files)not only that, but when you open files each one opens a new instance of DR.Its no good me bleating on about the quality, when they can’t be bothered to wait for it to open.Also not many project engineers have CAD spec’ed machines so the delay they experience is even more dismal.Even after this mod, it does not produce a result that is comparable with Adobe, with is what I’m trying to get our project managers to change from.DR takes at least 3 times longer (than Adobe)to complete an initial startup (app’ only no files)not only that, but when you open files each one opens a new instance of DR.Its no good me bleating on about the quality, when they can’t be bothered to wait for it to open.Also not many project engineers have CAD spec’ed machines so the delay they experience is even more dismal.Even after this mod, it does not produce a result that is comparable with Adobe, with is what I’m trying to get our project managers to change from.DR takes at least 3 times longer (than Adobe)to complete an initial startup (app’ only no files)not only that, but when you open files each one opens a new instance of DR.Its no good me bleating on about the quality, when they can’t be bothered to wait for it to open.Also not many project engineers have CAD spec’ed machines so the delay they experience is even more dismal.Even after this mod, it does not produce a result that is comparable with Adobe, with is what I’m trying to get our project managers to change from.DR takes at least 3 times longer (than Adobe)to complete an initial startup (app’ only no files)not only that, but when you open files each one opens a new instance of DR.Its no good me bleating on about the quality, when they can’t be bothered to wait for it to open.Also not many project engineers have CAD spec’ed machines so the delay they experience is even more dismal.Even after this mod, it does not produce a result that is comparable with Adobe, with is what I’m trying to get our project managers to change from.DR takes at least 3 times longer (than Adobe)to complete an initial startup (app’ only no files)not only that, but when you open files each one opens a new instance of DR.Its no good me bleating on about the quality, when they can’t be bothered to wait for it to open.Also not many project engineers have CAD spec’ed machines so the delay they experience is even more dismal.Even after this mod, it does not produce a result that is comparable with Adobe, with is what I’m trying to get our project managers to change from.DR takes at least 3 times longer (than Adobe)to complete an initial startup (app’ only no files)not only that, but when you open files each one opens a new instance of DR.Its no good me bleating on about the quality, when they can’t be bothered to wait for it to open.Also not many project engineers have CAD spec’ed machines so the delay they experience is even more dismal.Even after this mod, it does not produce a result that is comparable with Adobe, with is what I’m trying to get our project managers to change from.DR takes at least 3 times longer (than Adobe)to complete an initial startup (app’ only no files)not only that, but when you open files each one opens a new instance of DR.Its no good me bleating on about the quality, when they can’t be bothered to wait for it to open.Also not many project engineers have CAD spec’ed machines so the delay they experience is even more dismal.Even after this mod, it does not produce a result that is comparable with Adobe, with is what I’m trying to get our project managers to change from.DR takes at least 3 times longer (than Adobe)to complete an initial startup (app’ only no files)not only that, but when you open files each one opens a new instance of DR.Its no good me bleating on about the quality, when they can’t be bothered to wait for it to open.Also not many project engineers have CAD spec’ed machines so the delay they experience is even more dismal.Even after this mod, it does not produce a result that is comparable with Adobe, with is what I’m trying to get our project managers to change from.DR takes at least 3 times longer (than Adobe)to complete an initial startup (app’ only no files)not only that, but when you open files each one opens a new instance of DR.Its no good me bleating on about the quality, when they can’t be bothered to wait for it to open.Also not many project engineers have CAD spec’ed machines so the delay they experience is even more dismal.Even after this mod, it does not produce a result that is comparable with Adobe, with is what I’m trying to get our project managers to change from.DR takes at least 3 times longer (than Adobe)to complete an initial startup (app’ only no files)not only that, but when you open files each one opens a new instance of DR.Its no good me bleating on about the quality, when they can’t be bothered to wait for it to open.Also not many project engineers have CAD spec’ed machines so the delay they experience is even more dismal.Even after this mod, it does not produce a result that is comparable with Adobe, with is what I’m trying to get our project managers to change from.DR takes at least 3 times longer (than Adobe)to complete an initial startup (app’ only no files)not only that, but when you open files each one opens a new instance of DR.Its no good me bleating on about the quality, when they can’t be bothered to wait for it to open.Also not many project engineers have CAD spec’ed machines so the delay they experience is even more dismal.Even after this mod, it does not produce a result that is comparable with Adobe, with is what I’m trying to get our project managers to change from.DR takes at least 3 times longer (than Adobe)to complete an initial startup (app’ only no files)not only that, but when you open files each one opens a new instance of DR.Its no good me bleating on about the quality, when they can’t be bothered to wait for it to open.Also not many project engineers have CAD spec’ed machines so the delay they experience is even more dismal.Even after this mod, it does not produce a result that is comparable with Adobe, with is what I’m trying to get our project managers to change from.DR takes at least 3 times longer (than Adobe)to complete an initial startup (app’ only no files)not only that, but when you open files each one opens a new instance of DR.Its no good me bleating on about the quality, when they can’t be bothered to wait for it to open.Also not many project engineers have CAD spec’ed machines so the delay they experience is even more dismal.Even after this mod, it does not produce a result that is comparable with Adobe, with is what I’m trying to get our project managers to change from.DR takes at least 3 times longer (than Adobe)to complete an initial startup (app’ only no files)not only that, but when you open files each one opens a new instance of DR.Its no good me bleating on about the quality, when they can’t be bothered to wait for it to open.Also not many project engineers have CAD spec’ed machines so the delay they experience is even more dismal.Even after this mod, it does not produce a result that is comparable with Adobe, with is what I’m trying to get our project managers to change from.DR takes at least 3 times longer (than Adobe)to complete an initial startup (app’ only no files)not only that, but when you open files each one opens a new instance of DR.Its no good me bleating on about the quality, when they can’t be bothered to wait for it to open.Also not many project engineers have CAD spec’ed machines so the delay they experience is even more dismal.Even after this mod, it does not produce a result that is comparable with Adobe, with is what I’m trying to get our project managers to change from.DR takes at least 3 times longer (than Adobe)to complete an initial startup (app’ only no files)not only that, but when you open files each one opens a new instance of DR.Its no good me bleating on about the quality, when they can’t be bothered to wait for it to open.Also not many project engineers have CAD spec’ed machines so the delay they experience is even more dismal.Even after this mod, it does not produce a result that is comparable with Adobe, with is what I’m trying to get our project managers to change from.DR takes at least 3 times longer (than Adobe)to complete an initial startup (app’ only no files)not only that, but when you open files each one opens a new instance of DR.Its no good me bleating on about the quality, when they can’t be bothered to wait for it to open.Also not many project engineers have CAD spec’ed machines so the delay they experience is even more dismal.Even after this mod, it does not produce a result that is comparable with Adobe, with is what I’m trying to get our project managers to change from.DR takes at least 3 times longer (than Adobe)to complete an initial startup (app’ only no files)not only that, but when you open files each one opens a new instance of DR.Its no good me bleating on about the quality, when they can’t be bothered to wait for it to open.Also not many project engineers have CAD spec’ed machines so the delay they experience is even more dismal.

  • 4
    Avatar general electric yetkili servis

    Thank you very much for your information

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