
El caso del Beto Martínez, testigo en la causa Bru

Escrito por ambru el 15:00 12 comentarios
Categoria: Noticias
La Asociación Miguel Bru pidió esta semana ante el Tribunal Oral Nro I que se unifiquen las causas donde se investiga a los dos oficiales involucrados en el gatillo fácil contra uno de los testigos del caso de Miguel Bru .

Mauro Martínez “El Beto ”, fue testigo de la desaparición de Miguel Bru en agosto de 1993. Su testimonio fue clave para confirmar que Miguel estuvo en la comisaría 9ª de La Plata y que allí fue torturado hasta la muerte. Por estas declaraciones Mauro Martínez comenzó a ser perseguido de manera constante por el Oficial Gauna . Al poco tiempo “el Beto ” cayó detenido en una comisaría de Ensenada de donde se fugó refugiándose en una casa del barrio de El Carmen. Esa fue la excusa perfecta para quienes lo buscaban y perseguían jurándole la muerte. El 21 de junio de 2002 irrumpió en la casa una brigada a la cabeza de Gauna y del oficial Luján Martínez. Según la versión de la policía Mauro Martínez salió a recibirlos armado con un revolver calibre 32. Según los muchachos que vivían en la casa, “el Beto ” salió con las manos en alto pidiendo que no lo mataran, y le dieron un tiro en el pecho. Muchas pruebas permitieron a los abogados de la Asociación Miguel Bru (AMB), patrocinante de la causa, dar por tierra con la hipótesis oficial, y así se ordenó la detención de ambos agentes. Luján Martínez fue detenido de inmediato, confesando que él mismo había sido quien efectuó el disparo que mató al Beto Martínez. Pero el oficial Gauna se dio a la fuga y fue detenido recién a mediados del año pasado en el barrio El Churrasco.

La detención de Gauna fue realizada en el marco de una investigación que fue separada por la Fiscalía de la causa contra Luján Martínez, que en ese momento ya había sido elevada a juicio y tenía fecha de debate oral. Así, los agentes fiscales tomaron declaración a Gauna , dictaron la prisión preventiva, y la elevaron a juicio en un trámite separado del antes mencionado.

Esta semana la familia de Mauro Martínez patrocinada por la AMB presentó un pedido al Tribunal Oral Nro . I por la unificación de la causa contra Martínez y contra Gauna . No solo se basa la petición en la conexidad obvia que existe entre ambos hechos, sino y sobre todo basado en la hipótesis de que en realidad habría sido Gauna quien efectuó el disparo que dio muerte a Mauro Martínez, todo esto pese al reconocimiento existente por parte de Lujan Martinez , como autor del disparo.

A la Asociación Miguel Bru le sobran motivos para pedir la unificación de estas causas: se evitarían sentencias contradictorias y/o futuras nulidades, se evitaría también la ventilación de pruebas - con el consecuente riesgo de arruinarlas. No unificarla aumentaría el dispendio judicial, pues habrá que hacer dos juicios, con declaraciones de incompetencia en el camino, molestias a los testigos y peritos entre otros, y sin dudas, dificultaría la búsqueda de verdad para todas las partes.

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    Even after this mod, it does not produce a result that is comparable with Adobe, with is what I’m trying to get our project managers to change from.DR takes at least 3 times longer (than Adobe)to complete an initial startup (app’ only no files)not only that, but when you open files each one opens a new instance of DR.Its no good me bleating on about the quality, when they can’t be bothered to wait for it to open.Also not many project engineers have CAD spec’ed machines so the delay they experience is even more dismal.Even after this mod, it does not produce a result that is comparable with Adobe, with is what I’m trying to get our project managers to change from.DR takes at least 3 times longer (than Adobe)to complete an initial startup (app’ only no files)not only that, but when you open files each one opens a new instance of DR.Its no good me bleating on about the quality, when they can’t be bothered to wait for it to open.Also not many project engineers have CAD spec’ed machines so the delay they experience is even more dismal.Even after this mod, it does not produce a result that is comparable with Adobe, with is what I’m trying to get our project managers to change from.DR takes at least 3 times longer (than Adobe)to complete an initial startup (app’ only no files)not only that, but when you open files each one opens a new instance of DR.Its no good me bleating on about the quality, when they can’t be bothered to wait for it to open.Also not many project engineers have CAD spec’ed machines so the delay they experience is even more dismal.Even after this mod, it does not produce a result that is comparable with Adobe, with is what I’m trying to get our project managers to change from.DR takes at least 3 times longer (than Adobe)to complete an initial startup (app’ only no files)not only that, but when you open files each one opens a new instance of DR.Its no good me bleating on about the quality, when they can’t be bothered to wait for it to open.Also not many project engineers have CAD spec’ed machines so the delay they experience is even more dismal.Even after this mod, it does not produce a result that is comparable with Adobe, with is what I’m trying to get our project managers to change from.DR takes at least 3 times longer (than Adobe)to complete an initial startup (app’ only no files)not only that, but when you open files each one opens a new instance of DR.Its no good me bleating on about the quality, when they can’t be bothered to wait for it to open.Also not many project engineers have CAD spec’ed machines so the delay they experience is even more dismal.Even after this mod, it does not produce a result that is comparable with Adobe, with is what I’m trying to get our project managers to change from.DR takes at least 3 times longer (than Adobe)to complete an initial startup (app’ only no files)not only that, but when you open files each one opens a new instance of DR.Its no good me bleating on about the quality, when they can’t be bothered to wait for it to open.Also not many project engineers have CAD spec’ed machines so the delay they experience is even more dismal.Even after this mod, it does not produce a result that is comparable with Adobe, with is what I’m trying to get our project managers to change from.DR takes at least 3 times longer (than Adobe)to complete an initial startup (app’ only no files)not only that, but when you open files each one opens a new instance of DR.Its no good me bleating on about the quality, when they can’t be bothered to wait for it to open.Also not many project engineers have CAD spec’ed machines so the delay they experience is even more dismal.Even after this mod, it does not produce a result that is comparable with Adobe, with is what I’m trying to get our project managers to change from.DR takes at least 3 times longer (than Adobe)to complete an initial startup (app’ only no files)not only that, but when you open files each one opens a new instance of DR.Its no good me bleating on about the quality, when they can’t be bothered to wait for it to open.Also not many project engineers have CAD spec’ed machines so the delay they experience is even more dismal.Even after this mod, it does not produce a result that is comparable with Adobe, with is what I’m trying to get our project managers to change from.DR takes at least 3 times longer (than Adobe)to complete an initial startup (app’ only no files)not only that, but when you open files each one opens a new instance of DR.Its no good me bleating on about the quality, when they can’t be bothered to wait for it to open.Also not many project engineers have CAD spec’ed machines so the delay they experience is even more dismal.Even after this mod, it does not produce a result that is comparable with Adobe, with is what I’m trying to get our project managers to change from.DR takes at least 3 times longer (than Adobe)to complete an initial startup (app’ only no files)not only that, but when you open files each one opens a new instance of DR.Its no good me bleating on about the quality, when they can’t be bothered to wait for it to open.Also not many project engineers have CAD spec’ed machines so the delay they experience is even more dismal.Even after this mod, it does not produce a result that is comparable with Adobe, with is what I’m trying to get our project managers to change from.DR takes at least 3 times longer (than Adobe)to complete an initial startup (app’ only no files)not only that, but when you open files each one opens a new instance of DR.Its no good me bleating on about the quality, when they can’t be bothered to wait for it to open.Also not many project engineers have CAD spec’ed machines so the delay they experience is even more dismal.Even after this mod, it does not produce a result that is comparable with Adobe, with is what I’m trying to get our project managers to change from.DR takes at least 3 times longer (than Adobe)to complete an initial startup (app’ only no files)not only that, but when you open files each one opens a new instance of DR.Its no good me bleating on about the quality, when they can’t be bothered to wait for it to open.Also not many project engineers have CAD spec’ed machines so the delay they experience is even more dismal.Even after this mod, it does not produce a result that is comparable with Adobe, with is what I’m trying to get our project managers to change from.DR takes at least 3 times longer (than Adobe)to complete an initial startup (app’ only no files)not only that, but when you open files each one opens a new instance of DR.Its no good me bleating on about the quality, when they can’t be bothered to wait for it to open.Also not many project engineers have CAD spec’ed machines so the delay they experience is even more dismal.Even after this mod, it does not produce a result that is comparable with Adobe, with is what I’m trying to get our project managers to change from.DR takes at least 3 times longer (than Adobe)to complete an initial startup (app’ only no files)not only that, but when you open files each one opens a new instance of DR.Its no good me bleating on about the quality, when they can’t be bothered to wait for it to open.Also not many project engineers have CAD spec’ed machines so the delay they experience is even more dismal.Even after this mod, it does not produce a result that is comparable with Adobe, with is what I’m trying to get our project managers to change from.DR takes at least 3 times longer (than Adobe)to complete an initial startup (app’ only no files)not only that, but when you open files each one opens a new instance of DR.Its no good me bleating on about the quality, when they can’t be bothered to wait for it to open.Also not many project engineers have CAD spec’ed machines so the delay they experience is even more dismal.Even after this mod, it does not produce a result that is comparable with Adobe, with is what I’m trying to get our project managers to change from.DR takes at least 3 times longer (than Adobe)to complete an initial startup (app’ only no files)not only that, but when you open files each one opens a new instance of DR.Its no good me bleating on about the quality, when they can’t be bothered to wait for it to open.Also not many project engineers have CAD spec’ed machines so the delay they experience is even more dismal.Even after this mod, it does not produce a result that is comparable with Adobe, with is what I’m trying to get our project managers to change from.DR takes at least 3 times longer (than Adobe)to complete an initial startup (app’ only no files)not only that, but when you open files each one opens a new instance of DR.Its no good me bleating on about the quality, when they can’t be bothered to wait for it to open.Also not many project engineers have CAD spec’ed machines so the delay they experience is even more dismal.

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